Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fire and Light

In the Land of Fire and Light
Sat our little bird and sighed
From the tree of little flames
During the spring ash rains

Unable to enjoy
The glowing coals bloom
Flickering, dancing, and growing forth
Towards summer’s glory
Glowing red skies in the afternoon

As a cumulus danced with the sun
Rays shot forth as the day was done
Lighting the sky with a crimson glory
He again knew there was more to his story

Somewhere he felt was more
The other half to his heart so sore
Someone to complete what he could not
To whom he could give what he was
…share his thoughts

Came autumn and his tree was ablaze
Blooms to full flames from hot summer days
He had decided to wait no more
Action was needed for what life had in store

He spread his great wings
As he lies his heart sings
Knowing she’s out there somewhere

* * *

In the land of water and wind
In a tree rich with fruits
Moist with dew, there she sits

A lonely little bird
Sure that she’s heard the call of her soul
And now she does know
Somewhere is more
The other half to her heart so sore
Someone to complete what she could not
To whom she could give what she was
…share her thoughts

As the clouds briefly parted
She spread her wings and got started
Any direction would serve
Her heart spoke, she steeled her nerve
Hoping she would find her way
Following the light of day

Together they did come
A reunion of souls not to be out done
Fire and water carried on light and wind
An explosion of emotion
Sparks, steam, force, power all within
Love of Legends
Such intensity it could not be seen

As the air cleared
Naught of either appeared
Had they completed each other
And then disappeared?
Does the story end tragic?
Was all from the other taken
And nothing added?

As a cumulus dances with the sun
We know our story is not done
Rays of fire shoot across the sky
A tickle of drizzle as the clouds blow on by
Light of evening in a crimson glory
Life will continue
Love’s new life will finish the story

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Human Condition

Growing up in fear
Makes you shrink
Try to become little

If they can’t see you
Then they won’t hurt you
Maybe they’ll forget you
Leave you alone

Little and lonely
Made to be nothing
Hiding and covered
Means nothing to them

Covered you’re missing
Seeing yourself
Hiding from life
Empty and yearning

The world beckons
The scent of life
The feeling of hope
A human condition

The trick yet unknown
Is to feel you must open
Expose self so tender
Trust company, love, heart, and head

The heart has no mind
The mind leads by the heart
Love laughs in the corner
Thought you knew its intent

Look around and you see
Imperfection quite thorough
Pitfalls, shard, tricks and mirrors
Must be mad those that walk

Little and lonely
Made to be nothing
Hiding and covered
Lesson well learned

Keep safe, not so lonely
Keep safe, still and quiet
Keep safe, getting restless
Talking to echoes, sighs and ghosts

How life is enticing
Whispering to the shadows
To the lonely, to the hopeless
Come play, come dance, come walk

Flirting by inches
The memory deceives you
That time was not really
Now’s the one that you want

The trick yet unknown
Is to feel you must open
Expose self so tender
Trust till knife hits the Bone

How many times to relive
The cycle unending
Life seeps out to seep in
Feel no joy if no pain

Love laughs in the corner
How life is enticing
Whispering to the shadow
Come play, come dance, come walk

Take a moment to recover
Catch a breath, stand up, dust off
Hand back life its knife
Wash the blood, give hair a toss

Stride forward towards the next round
Arms wide, chest out, chin up

Is it insanity,
Has the mind been lost?
What are the options………
What are the thoughts……

Little and lonely
Made to be nothing
Hiding and covered
Empty and yearning

Not today – not to be empty
Hiding and covered cannot see the light

Life walks by
With a wink and a nod to see
If you nod back And embrace the ride

Faces of the Fairy Queen

Out then spoke the fairy Queen
And an angry queen she was
You have taken the finest knight
In all my company
Had I known but yesterday
What I know today
I’d have taken out your two grey eyes
And put in eyes of clay
And had I know but yesterday
You’d no more by my own
I’d have taken out your heart of flesh
And put in one of stone
(Fairy Queen – Tam Lin)

If I had to pick a character to represent me
I’d be the Fairy Queen
I’d be the Lady of the Woods
Of valley mist
Of morning dewglitter
The smell of rich brown earth
I’d have the love of wolves
Deep, loyal, fierce but true
I’d have respect and care to anger
Like natural forces do
I’d ride with power
Force and speed – thunder in the night
I’d warm the day and sweeten the breeze
To push all life’s hardships aside
I’d love to laugh
Try to carry a smile through every minute of every day
But realize that life takes work
Death and sometimes dismay
Be strong as the old Oaks and Willows
in the breeze remember to play
Let music play in the grass blades
Life itself carried in the light
Sun rich and giving, warm and living
Celebrations by moon through the night

The me that was, am, going to be

What’s in a name
My name
One that not so many have

Once wanting to be like
Everyone else
Now grateful I’m not the same

Struggling to understand them
Wondering what goes through
Their brains

Lives that seem so unreal
People that seem so lost
Lives that seem so tame

But even on many good days
When I think I may have
Finally gotten it figure out

A moment will pass, a connection is dropped,
A glance at the reflection walking by
And I startle at the one I see

A moment of wonder to see that’s me

With all that swirls, voices and thoughts
A universe of echoes, agitations, contemplations, passions
Genius thoughts and frustrations

One day I can be unconquerable
The next wondering how to avoid
Complete failure

One moment juggling a thousand pieces
The next hoping to maintain
A sense of intelligence in conversation

Maybe it’s not all of them who are lost
Maybe I finally see
My brain has gone and left me
Here I’m floating in this sea

Moments of time, people and faces
All looking back at me
I open my mouth to assure them I’m normal
I hear a hollow sound

That voice was mine
Can seem lonely and echo
Not been used in too much time

Accidentally I see it
That person that is me
The eyes are calm
The face is smooth
and no one seems to have noticed

What’s in a name
My name
Seems I’m still there
That’s me

Perfection is a moment

So many parts and pieces
Life ever shifting, moving, changing
Trying to hold them all
Just Right

Trying to find just the right place
Just the right things
Just the right scenario

Planning, thinking, working, searching
To make it just right
Finding perfection

Within the assumption of its name
Is the thought that once reached
It would remain
Perfection eternal
Hard won – the ultimate goal

Why does it not occur to us
That all the factors we fight
All the parts and problems
In life
That we struggled against, fought against, and overcame
Would just stop
And perfection would stay

You look around one day
And you realize
You’re standing

In the bliss that you allowed to sweep you away
Life kept moving
Everything you fought against
Everything you struggled with
Kept moving
Kept building, kept coming

The struggle to get there
Does not allow
The enjoyment of arrival for too long
But one forgets, does not believe
Believing that all is finally achieved

And then you’re alone
Very far behind
Wondering what happened

All those parts never stop moving
Life continues
Parts that are hidden
Things that never even were

So far behind, so lost, not understanding
Maybe it’s a joke, can’t be real
How can it be possible
After all that’s been given away to find myself again

What if the heart no longer is beating
The soul dried and blown away
How could I have given so much
How could I not have not held onto myself

What a fool I must have looked
Blissfully Falling
Happily Believing
Desperately Wanting

Alone so long that one must wonder
Was there really someone with me
Here deep in this dark
Was there really someone who knew me
Someone who cared, shared my heart

That amazing moment
That time when we both know
That moment of perfection
When you were me and I was you
Did it really exist?
Was it deep and amazing
Or was it just a moment
And the rest my being a fool?

I think once there was something
And if not
It was true for Me
If alone is the only way I’ll know perfection
I’ll still take it, hold the memory - be the truth

I know now all those parts keep moving
I know now moments aren’t meant to last
Life keeps going and moving
Life means holding what was precious
Yet know that All has and end

Looking forward for the next moment
Keeps the heart beating and the soul with breath

I will hold what was so precious
Even if it was only to me
Life has so many moments
No longer my Hero must I see

Quotes I enjoy

Keep on dancing
That you can Fly
Away (Creed)

Do you want to run away forever?
Was your best line ever
Too bad I fell for it (The Wreckers)

It’s one thing
To sacrifice yourself
For a great love
It’s another to
destroy yourself
over someone who doesn’t
even want you (unknown)
It’s me talking
I think I can see you
In Spite of all the people

Children know you, they just know
Maybe because they’re fresh
They just got here

Caring , loving, helping, hugging
Before words teach “Good & Bad”
They feel you in these moments

Then people come and teach them the “right way”
Whatever is right
for where they live or who their parents are
And as time passes and life happens
Things stop to make sense.

What these people say rarely goes with life
They lost the You that they knew
- and so the journey begins

Years and time,
one shouldn’t have questions
Shame on those who ask.

Sense, what sense,
In every void they say
Shame for not having faith.

Hide away, don’t ask, don’t learn
Farther and farther as so much time ticks on by.
Angry, You must be angry
With one so bad
With questions
Who’s hidden away

People, so many people
All with a different story of how each story speaks
And what it says

Wanting to learn
Knowing one should
Which story to pick
Choose wrong and you’re damned

Knowing each day
There could be no tomorrow
When face to face what would one say

Moment and moments
Life keeps on flying
Little by little
You make yourself known

One year in stillness
Sitting and sighing
You’re sitting with me
The You that I know

Back before all those people
Told me the right way
Back when I was young
Back when I just knew

Dare I be brave and ignore all those people?
Dare I speak to you as my friend, from the heart?
No ceremony or grand quotations, formal robes
Just telling the truth
Hoping my company, gratitude & compliments count
As the worship they say I should do

There are moments of warm
Of sun and of living
Small victories of sprouts
Grand vistas as if painted
All manner of life in between
The rivers keep flowing
The aspens are budding
The wind sings its song
and life is perfumed
Natures balance maintains,
Sometimes ebbing and flowing
Too much of one thing
Gets corrected by another
Seemingly by forces unknown

Coincidences say the people,
Just happens, we’ve been lucky
But now let’s control
Funny to watch them building and planning
Think they are the masters, and what’s needed they do know

Colors of people
Cultures and climates
What an adventure
What more could you want!

Foods and music
Lives and loves
Traditions and religion
All built on eons of lore

Those people are wrong say the people
All the people
To those on the other side of the door.

You try to change me
As I try to change you
My way not yours
Don’t Open That Door

Far way from the people
A full moon rises
Stillness settles in between breezes
Smell of rain, a thousand crickets
Birds find seed, and the fox finds a shadow
The mountain caps drip slowly
Forming that river
Feeding the fields of wildflowers
Aspen trunks, thick, beautiful, white
Pine trees frosted blue tips
Sheltering home – a deep burrow
Sage grass swaying
Peppery rustling,
Rabbit runs furiously
From the owl looking down from above
Creaking and cracking
In the trees bear wakes for the summer
Hush swish rush,
something else runs through the trees

How they rant
Oh they insist
Shouting, making so much noise
Can’t they stop?
Can’t they see you through all the machines and toys?

Dear God
It’s me talking
And I think I can see You
In spite of all the people


Sometimes when the night is so dark, it comes
Still before arrival
Powerful in presence
Keeping company with the lonely
Stirring restlessly in the nights

Bringing the scents of far away
Feeling of other souls
Awareness of other places
The Knowledge you are not

Reminding of the vastness
The enormity of this world
The countless numbers (of people)
Numbers unimaginable
Should make one feel small

But the breeze that blows
Singles all and one the same
Living, trying, day and days
Lives simple, complex,
so enormous one can’t imagine

All get passed by the Wind
Little pieces taken
Passed on to the next
A little more
Swirling and blowing
Balancing with the wild
Sweetening through the leaves
Long salty blusters over oceans
Rolling over hills
Threading forest pines
musky smell of sap
Warmed by the glow of moonlight
Sculpting the clouds
Dominant song of the night
Hushing all others
Demanding attention
Howling, swaying, clattering
Rocking the giants rooting
deep in the earth
Swishing the boughs
Dancing the shadows
Stirring the night
shattering the stillness so complete
Interrupting the darkness

The company, soothing and powerful
Finds the lonely
And comforts them off to sleep


When the last drop of belief in belief dies
When the last wisps of dreams evaporate
When one forgets about hope and “someday”
When the forests hide no magic
Magic creatures are no more
Reality replaces all mystery
Is it then when we die?
So, my words have great power and I should write them down, this I was told.
I create great beauty when I write my truth, this I was also told.
Words keep leaking every so and so often, exploding into some story, directed at some cause.
But these words will just flow
Bad punctuation, thoughts to not forget, others to work out, others try for masterpiece.
Hoping to prove myself a great creator of words, that artist so many admire
Most likely not too understood.

To Myself
To write what swirls in my mind
To work out thoughts
Ingenious theories
Brave and Bold things
That no on dares say out loud
For company to my misery
Published greatness on day
Or crumbled to dust
For the possibility to create something great
To Create
For the spriits to speak through me
And to contemplate God, creation, and some sense to it all.
From Myself